The big questions! What is a wedding planner and should I hire one?

Hello everyone, I hope you all have had a lovely week!

I thought today I’d ask some of the most common, burning questions that potential clients ask me. What is a wedding planner? Should I hire a wedding planner? Well, let me give you some answers!

Ultimately, a wedding planner is there to help and create the best wedding for you. A wedding planner commits their time to you to create you wedding, approx 400 hours apparently (it does not feel like this)! It’s their job to be organised, manage the different communications, timelines, help style and create the theme, help bounce ideas, work out any plans A, B OR C and take the stress away from you as wedding planning can often be a lot to handle and requires a lot of admin! They create a bespoke wedding planning timeline for you as each wedding is unique and not a carbon copy and even schedule meetings like tasting and venue visits. Your wedding planner can even be on hand to attend these meetings with you or for you if you have work commitments.

That’s not all! A wedding planner will help and manage your wedding budget, source suppliers and venues that fit your theme and are within your budget so all you have to do is the fun stuff with your partner!

However, how do you know if you need to hire a wedding planner? I would ask myself this question, does party planning excite you? Creating timelines, looking through contracts, emails/calls with different people, creating charts and moodboards, making loads of decisions; how does doing that make you feel? If the answer is, that it looks like too much time and effort, you might want to hire a planner. In addition, maybe you’re planning a wedding in a short amount of time which means really doing your research to see what supplier and venue will be available for your date as most couples tend to plan a year and a half before their day! Planning a wedding in a couple of months or planning a wedding that is a year away is doable but definitely takes a lot of time and research to find the perfect fit for you.

Another advantage to hiring a planner is that they tend to have a range of packages, from full or partial planning to on the day- a couple of weeks before management, so you can really pick what you think will be best to create your vision. Instead of asking your family members or bridal party to work behind the scenes to make sure everything flows smoothly a wedding planner can do all that for you, making sure everything is running on time or setting up the final bits of decor so that you can all enjoy the day and celebrate!

If you think you may need a planner but are worried about the expense of their services, remember that a planners first job is to be there for you! They can work with you to arrange a bespoke package and price to fit with what you need to help you create your movie wedding.

I hope this answered any of your questions! If you have anymore please feel free to send me a hello or book yourself in for a free consultation.

Have a lovely weekend,

Sommy x