Styled shoot’s | Pros and Cons

Just like that, we are already into March!

Hello everyone, I hope you all have had a lovely week and can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Personally, I am still counting the days of this lockdown and can’t wait for a bit of normality but I am glad I have this blog to write my thoughts down and keep me busy!

Today, I thought we’d talk about the almighty styled shoots, that seems to be taking over the wedding industry! I started my career in weddings by first working on a styled shoot, so I can definitely see the pros and cons of creating one for your own business.

If this is the first time you have heard of the term ‘styled shoot’, let’s have a quick round up of it’s background. A styled shoot is a photoshoot to represent a real wedding, compiled with different wedding vendors to explore and create a concept that will hopefully be published and to promote their company. In the end everyone gains access to the photos/videos and being involved also means more exposure!

Now, let’s start off with the cons….

You have to remember, though a styled shoot is normally pro bono, you still have to respect everyone’s businesses. Each vendor is giving their time and work for free and sometimes the professionalism can get lost. It’s always best to remember everyone is working towards the same goal!

Some may see styled shoots as a far fetched dream, as not all couples can afford every single detail of what is included in the editorial. However, styled shoots is a form of inspiration for couples and suppliers! It’s not for clients to copy the whole shoot and use that for your wedding but more to take the shoot as a source of inspiration, to see what you might like for your own wedding.

Styled shoots are a MASSIVE investment, so when you decide to be part of a styled shoot or to create one, you have to remember, as well as your time, money will also be involved. For example, if you are a florist, you have to order the flowers and other props that goes into designing the flowers and then transport them to the shoot. This is the same for any suppler. Therefore, make sure you know your target audience for the shoot and have a clear concept so that the shoot is successful and is worth the work.

Finally! Now for the pros!

Organising or being part of a styled shoot is so worth it if your are ORGANISED. I tend to plan a styled shoot 4 months in advance, in terms of thinking of a concept, designing moodboards, searching for venues then contacting all the suppliers that I would love to work with. This way everyone knows what they are doing and it has more of a chance to be published. When it is published the cross promotion really goes in everyone’s favour!

Styled shoots are a way to be creative and push yourselves! When working with clients, you are listening to them and working with them to create their dream wedding. During a styled shoot, this can be a mix of your personal style and creating some inspiration for what you think your clients might want to see. It really is a great way to spark your creative side and make connections with others in the industry.

In the end everyone receives the content and gets to keep this for their own businesses! This helps with being visible online as you will be able to post more or update your website or use it as an example for clients to show them what you can do.

There you are! I love styled shoots, as I am a creative person and love creating new stories that can help inspire my clients as well.

I hope this blog gave you more insight and sparked any ideas you may have!

Have a lovely week,

Sommy x