M.Fiore Presents | The Story of …Ever After Weddings

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all had a lovely week! I have something new for you all to read!

I have always loved meeting new people, hearing their stories, connecting and making new friends. It is great to launch this interview series to my blog, ‘M.Fiore Presents |The Story of…’ , to get to know suppliers and learn about their passions, creativity and of course a bit more about their lives!

Today, we have the wonderful sisters, Sarah and Jo from Ever After Weddings, specialising in floristry and styling. I love the creativity of the work they produce and having stalked their Instagram for ages, I had the pleasure of working with them at Hillfields Farm last October for an editorial which was featured in Whimsical Wonderland Weddings.

Now, enough of me chatting! Let’s delve into the story of Ever After Weddings…

Any thoughts on a Movie wedding you would love to create?

S: It would have a beautiful banquet style wedding, set along the Greek coastline somewhere. Just imagine those sunset views over dinner!

J: For me, it would be have to an elaborate multicoloured wedding. Packed full of flowers, in every shade, in every space – something really enchanting and kind of magical.

What made you want to go into business together as sisters?
S+J: We had both become tired of 9–5 jobs and would often share a bottle of wine and talk about how we wanted to do so much more than what we were doing currently. We’re really close and spend a lot of time together anyway, so going into business together felt like a totally natural thing to do and we haven’t killed each other, yet…

I’d love to know, did you both set out to be working in the wedding industry?
J: Honestly… absolutely not! I’d always imagined I’d become a midwife, and so this was/is a complete U-turn for me, but I’m so glad things have ended up this way because now I can’t imagine doing anything else.
S: I always knew I’d work in events of some kind, but it was once I’d gotten married that I found my niche. I used to work in corporate events, and I’ve always loved any excuse to throw a good party so, it was only ever a matter of time before I found the right path!

When styling for couples, where do you look for inspiration?
S+J: We always look to them first – it’s amazing what nuggets you can take from a couple’s personality, that’ll inspire their wedding design.
Beyond that, we take inspiration from all kinds of things we see and places we go; always bringing it back to what we know about them when we refine our ideas.

What advice would you give to couples when they are trying to find their style for their wedding?
 We always say that the perfect place to start, is to think about what defines the two of you as a couple, and individually. This is the invisible thread that’ll run throughout your day, because after all, the day is all about you.
Once you’ve discussed your traits, loves and loathes; create a Pinterest board to bring your individual style preferences together and look for consistency in the images. Look for an underlying theme or colour palette and from there, you can begin to identify your wedding style.

Can you describe what you think it is that connects you to couples when they are looking for a stylist or floral designer?

S+J: Our approach has always been relaxed and informal when we meet with couples because we want them to feel like they’ve popped over to visit friends, chat over a cup of tea, and leave the meeting feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off their wed-min shoulders.

We like to make our offering as personable as possible and working with like-minded couples, allows us to create the wonderful relationships we’ve had/we have, and essentially creates a gorgeous wedding day at the end of it!

What personal touch do you think is important to including in a wedding?

S+J: We call them ‘nuggets of loveliness’. These are the things that mean something to you as a couple, for example, a destination, a hobby, or even your favourite tipple.

We take these nuggets and find ways of subtly incorporating them into your styling, to create designs with hidden meaning and adding another layer to your day that’s all about you.

Do you have a favourite wedding Movie or rom-com?
 BRIDESMAIDS! What’s not to love about that movie? It makes us want to get the girl gang together for cocktails as soon as lockdown is over!

There you have it! Thank you so much Sarah and Jo for sharing your story of you and your business! I hope you all enjoyed getting to know them and I hope their advise sparks some inspo for you.

I love how they take their time to get to know their couples and really create personal weddings through their floristry designs and styling. If you would like to get in touch with Sarah and Jo, you can head over to their website, and why don’t you go over and follow their Instagram as well!

If you would like to chat more about your celebration, you can send me a hello and we can discuss all your ideas for your movie wedding.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Sommy x